10 Activities To Reset Your Brain

We spend a ridiculous amount of time on our screens - and I’ll be the first to admit I can’t imagine life without my iPhone. But I also know it’s not always healthy. Sometimes we need to pause and connect with the world that’s right in front of us - free from screens and technology.

I created a list of fun activities that don’t require screens - my hope is that they inspire us to set down our phones and give our brains space to reset. Choose just ONE that you will do this week! Do you have other activities in mind? Share them with me!

  1. Pick a topic you want to learn more about and spend the afternoon researching it at the library - no technology allowed.

  2. Take your furry friend on a date! A pup-cup from your favorite coffee shop and a new toy at the pet store! Resist the urge to document the outing, just be in the moment.

  3. Find a recipe from an old cookbook (like the one you inherited from your grandma). Make something delicious without looking anything up on your phone.

  4. Instead of texting or emailing, write a note to a friend and drop it in the mail box. Check out my Stationery Collection for inspiration!

  5. Paint a picture or do a craft without using Pinterest for inspiration. Use your own imagination and see what flows.

  6. Buy a new hard copy book from a bookstore instead of a kindle or audio book off Amazon. Find joy in turning each page - and that intoxicating smell!

  7. Grab coffee with a good friend and challenge each other to keep anything “digital” out of the conversation. No chatting about Netflix, podcasts, social media, memes you saw on Instagram, etc… Can you do it!?

  8. If there’s an activity you normally do with headphones in (walking, running, dishes, laundry…) try going a day without listening to anything - give your brain space to wander.

  9. Next time you are wondering something (like “What else is that actor in?” or “How do airplanes stay in the air?”) resist the urge to Google it - just live with the mystery!

  10. Spend a day listening to records on your record player instead of using Spotify. Don’t have a record player? Maybe it’s time to purchase one - but at a brick and mortar store, not off Amazon!


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